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The Problem's of property or busines in housing closely relates to
monetery matter, money and cost. Consumers usually buy houses on Credit
(KPR - house ownership Credit) White the developers build houses by
using bank fasilities.
If the cost production is high, consequently the developer won't be
brave to b.fld. Because the high production will raise the selling price
of the house. On the other hand, wan't be brave to buy. If the interest
rate is high, as a result many developers get liquidaty difficulty and
this will trigger the developers to increase the selling price of their
To be able to survive and obtain cash flow. They apply a marketing
strategy with a little bit cheap price-polecy. This step is considered
to be risky. Considering the rate of the interest of house ownership
credit is still high. With this strategy, by lowering selling price and
giving discount, deve- lopers can get liquidaty fron society, even with
the risk that their profil decreases.
In fixing the selling price, generally developers are urged by the need
to covers expenses they have already paid, espesially, the expeses to
finance their projects. It is better to sell their products than borrow
money fron a bank with ligh interst or sell their assets to cover the
lockness of li- quidity.
The uncerfain economics condition has made a big difficulty for the
consumers to install Their Credit, Moreover, lean package from BTN
(National Saving Bank), has been stopped since feb 14 th, 1998. So
chance to have house at Rp 15.000.000,- and under has been closed.
(Bank of Indonesia, feb 1998).
So far, more than 90% of te consumers buy their houses with fasi- lity
from housing credit. To day many people want to buy a house for set-
tlement or invesment. But buying a house for invesment is difficult to
get profit in a short time in this time.
In 1998, There is a tendency, the price of land to increase. Because of
the increase of the demand for land to develop hosuing and settlement
area. Because of the rise of land selling price, component that causes
the sharp increase every year is the land price (BPN - National land
affair board Semarang municipility).
Monetery Crises, tigh money policy and seaveity of the house own- ership
credit have made the developers cash flow disturbed, so the selling
rate decreases drastically.
The lockness of house ownership credit has made most of develo- pers not
continue developing houses, even they have been able to sell the houses
they built before. Because the difficulty to get house ownership
credit, they get difficulty also in getting construction credit, because
the rate interst is relatively high. It there is any the rate interest
is relatively high. If there is any the rate interst reaches 30% so the
consumers are reluctant to buy.
This conses the cost production to raise and consumers buying power to
decrease. In turn, this condition has made the developers not be
suitable with their market segmen. The middle developers get diffculty
to enter their segment, while to enter the lower segmet, their profit
margin is too little.
With the existence of segment change, developers will lower their
selling price, as an adaptation step that they have to take. This step
is taken to urge selling, with the hope that they can survive to pass
the diffcult time - like to day - at monetary crisis time.
To avoid liquidation, developers are trying to enter the lower market
segment by using varions ways, among others are : adapting the house
sise if they sell house at 36/90 m2 previonsly. Now they sell houses at
21/90m2, so the price can be lowered, and another way is buy selling as
many houses as possible, to anticipate the impact of Economics crisis
hit- ting Indonesia.ABSTRAK
Masalah propertVperumahan sangat terkait dengan moneter, uang dan biaya.
Para konsumen membeli rumah biasanya dengan sistem Kredit Pemilikan
Rumah (KPR), sedangkan pengembang membangun rumah dengan fasilitas
Jika biaya produksi tinggi, tentu pengembang tidak berani memba- ngun,
lantaran harga rumah bakal meningkat. Sementara masyarakat tidak berani
membeli kalau bunga KPR tinggi. Akibatnya, banyak pengembang yang
mengalami kesulitan likuiditas dan memicu mereka untuk menaikkan harga
jual rumah pada saat-saat seperti mi.
Agar tetap bisa bertahan dan meraih cash flow, mereka menerap- kan
strategi menjual dengan harga sedikit murah. Langkah ini dinilai cukup
beresiko. Apalagi suku bunga KPR, saat ini masih tinggi. Dengan menu-
runkan harga jual dan memberikan diskon, pengembang justru akan men-
dapatkan likuiditas dari masyarakat, meskipun keuntungannya menciut.
Dalam menetapkan harga jual rumah, umumnya pengembang didorong oleh
kebutuhan untuk menutupi biaya-biaya yang dikeluarkan, terutama
pembangunan proyeknya. Daripada pinjam ke pihak perbankan dengan bunga
tinggi atau menjual asetnya, tentu lebih baik menjual pro- duk-produknya
guna menutupi kekurangan likuiditas tersebut.
Kondisi perekonomian yang penuh ketidakpastian ini telah membu- at
kembang kempis para konsumen perumahan RS. Apalagi paket dari BTN telah
dihentikan sejak 14 Februari 1998. Peluang mereka yang ingin memiliki
rumah seharga Rp 15 juta ke bawah, kini botch dibilang sudah ter- tutup
(Bank Indonesia, Februari 1998).
Padahal, selama ini 90% lebih konsumen melakukan pembellan rumah dengan
fasilitas KPR. Saat ini banyak orang ingin membeli rumah, balk untuk
dihuni maupun investasi. Tapi jika membeli rumah untuk inves- tasi,
jangan harap meraih keuntungan dalam waktu cepat.
Tahun 1998 harga tanah akan cenderung naik karena meningkatknya
permintaan terhadap lahan tanah untuk mengembangkan kawasan perumahan
dan kawasan pemukiman.
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